Job Developer
Our Job Developer, Arlene Flores, helps HBAS students prepare for success in their new careers by keeping regular office hours, assisting with resumes, provide job search strategies, prepare for interviews, application process, and help prepare for employment. Arlene has built strong relationships with many OC hiring managers and can assist with employment goals. She has over 20 years of experience and worked as a Director of Career Services overseeing Job Placement/Externship for a private college.
You can reach Arlene via [email protected] or via the CHAT feature on your Teams.
We can NOT guarantee Job Placement as with any job interview, the candidate still needs to demonstrate & communicate that they can perform the necessary skills required of the position.
EMPLOYERS Are you seeking a great Job Candidate? If YES, please feel free to reach out to me
to help fill your open positions - Let me be your NO cost staffing solution.
- I can provide resumes on highly qualified candidates
- Pre-screen candidates
- Provide onsite interviewing on our Campus
- Help set up interviews
- Host a JOB DAY
HBAS STUDENTS Services Provided.
- Employment Assistance (Must have Right to Work Documentation)
- Supports our High-level ESL, HS/GED, and our Career Training Program Graduates
- Provides job searching techniques and posts job leads.
- Build your confidence by learning how to effectively communicate about your training and unique value to employers in various professional settings.
- Learn how to showcase why you are the BEST candidate for the position with a polished resume to make you stand out.
- Assist with applications, interviews, and follow up skills
- Take advantage of our extensive professional network by participating in an Externship (CTE Program), attending a job fair, or interviewing with our employer partners
- CTE Completers receive one on one job placement assistance upon completion of their program - Work together as a Team.
- Networking
- Dress for success tips
- Time management
Helpful Job Links
- Job Seeker Services | OC Workforce & Economic Development Division
- EDJOIN - The Nation's #1 Education Job Board
- LinkedIn: Log In or Sign Up
- Company Salaries | Glassdoor
Here are some of our Partners who have HIRED our HBAS Students!


Arlene Flores
Job Developer
(714) 842-4227 Ext 48422
JOB DEVELOPER (book your appointment HERE) 👈 HBAS Students Book Your Appointment
