Student Support Team
Are you a current HBAS student in need of a little extra support? Our team is ready to help you reach your academic and career goals. They can provide guidance and connect you with colleges, employers and free community resources. Keep reading to find the best fit for your needs:
Counselors – Ashley Nguyen and Erica Solis
Are you struggling with school, due to academic or personal reasons? Our Counselors are here to help. They support students in developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for academic success, career preparedness, and positive social/emotional growth. Learn more here.
Guidance Specialists – Tammy Asaki and Melissa Alarcon
Are you working toward your high school diploma? Our Guidance Specialists offer academic guidance for our diploma students including transcript evaluation, registration, choosing a course of study, and scheduling. Tammy and Melissa can also provide transcripts, letters, and verifications. Learn more here.
Job Developer – Arlene Flores
Are you looking for the perfect job? Our Job Developer prepares students for career success by offering resume assistance, Working Wednesday's, JOB FAIRS, and meeting with students to discuss Employment goals. Arlene also assists students with setting up interviews, interview preparation, job search strategies, and job placement assistance. Learn more here.
Barriers to success
Some students face barriers or obstacles in everyday life. To see if any apply to you, and for a list of resources for each one, click below: