Lifelong Learner Awards

Every spring, Huntington Beach Adult School hosts its annual Lifelong Learners Awards.  On March 19th, administrators, teachers and staff joined family and friends to recognize eight exemplary students as this year's Lifelong Learners. Nominated by their teachers out of thousands of students, these Lifelong Learners persist, succeed and inspire others. 
  • Read more and meet our 2019 Lifelong Learners HERE.
  • Download high resolution photos from our Flickr Album. 
  • View, like and share photos on our Facebook Album.

2018-2019 Lifelong Learners

Jediah Andrews - nominated by Ann Cosgrove
Imelda Perez - nominated by Samia Nasry

English as a Second Language:
Giang Chang - nominated by Evelyn Jackson
Maria Galvan - nominated by Deborah Quintana
Mercedes Weiner - nominated by Deborah Quintana & Jim Turnbough
Linda Lee - nominated by Amy Yue

Career Technical Education:
Michelle Guadaramma - nominated by Alan Bell
Roberta Fuentes -nominated by Pamela Canlas