Student Success Story: Julie & Lizza

Longtime friends Lizza and Julie teamed up to complete the Medical Billing and Coding (MBC) Program in just 9 months. Their enthusiasm for our CTE program was contagious: several family members and friends are now following in their footsteps.

These women met years ago when Julie started working with Lizza’s mother. So how did these two friends end up in the MBC program together? It started with Lizza, actor by trade, in search of a new career path during the actors’ strike.  She came across the HBAS catalog and couldn’t believe that a local school offered career training for “Free 99!” Meanwhile, Julie was looking for a fresh start after leaving a long-term job with Starbucks. Amazingly, they both finished the enrollment steps in time to start class the next Monday.

Lizza mapped out a course schedule for the duo to finish in under a year. They started with Medical Terminology, as it laid the foundation for learning medical coding languages.  Lizza and Julie raved about their CTE instructors, who created collaborative learning environments where students discussed real world scenarios. They were amazed at the resources offered by our Job Developer. “You would pay for these services out in the world, it’s priceless.” 

Challenges Build Confidence
This fast-paced program wasn’t easy.  Lizza and Julie were learning new things in new classes every 8-10 weeks. But when the lows got low, they could always count on each other for support. “Everyone should have an accountability partner during the program.”

Julie shared that she did not pass the initial math assessment, which meant she had to take a 5-week Math Refresher course.  While some may feel bad about not passing a test, Julie looks back on the experience with gratitude. Finishing that first class—and getting a perfect score on her retake—really kick-started her confidence.

Julie credits her family for being supportive, especially during a grueling schedule of afternoon and evening classes. Julie shared, “We did homework together at the table. They saw Mom working hard at night, they saw Dad supporting Mom, making dinner and bringing me dinner during class.”  Her kids got to see firsthand what can happen when their mom puts her mind to something. 

The Inspiration Feedback Loop
Lizza’s mom inspired them to pursue this new career goal. Lizza explained, “She has successfully run a salon, raised me as a single mom, taken care of my Abuelita, and been a mentor to her staff.” And after seeing Lizza go back to school, her mom started taking computer classes at HBAS!

Lizza has become a recruiter of sorts, with her mom, aunt, fellow actors and colleagues enrolling in our career training classes. She also found a creative way to reach out to future students.  When turning in her textbook at the end of each class, Lizza left an encouraging Post-it note for the next student to find. 

Walking Before Running
What’s next for this dynamic duo? Lizza and Julie plan to do externships through HBAS to get their feet wet before starting a job. They are also preparing for exams to become Certified Professional Billers and Coders. They are eager to find a specialty they are passionate about and give back to their community.

With determination, focus and friendship, we know Lizza and Julie will achieve any goals they set their minds to.